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San Diego's Ric Lee

Performing with Robin Henkel on Friday night


Our Saturday night headliners performing brass band funk and jazz

Rabbit Foot

Punk rock blues with tom-toms

Important to know

Dear Friends 

It has come to our attention that the local paper has been putting in many articles that the annual Jazz and Blues festival is returning for the Transat yacht race this year.

We would like to make it perfectly clear that any entertainment put on this year 2016 is nothing to do with ourselves. We feel it is important to point this fact out as we made a lot of friends over the past 8 years with audiences and bands alike, we worked hard to introduce new audiences to great quality Jazz and Blues and feel that we always gave this beautiful city of ours the best we could creating a vibrant waterfront city. 
Our love for great music has not diminished and we hope that the entertainment that is put on for possibly one of the greatest races on out planet radiates our city well to the global audience that Transat will attract, and entertain well the many local enthusiastic supporters that we have grown up with over the past eight years 

Yours faithful 

Dan Thompson

Festival Director

Dan Thompson
Festival Director

The Barbican International Jazz & Blues Festival is a creation of Kaos Production Ltd
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